Me talk pretty everyday

Saturday, December 03, 2005

To bully or not to bully....

Went down to PC Fair yesterday as I need to set up a display at where we are participating. I was doing my unusual morning rush but only when I reached the KLConvention Centre did I realised that the organiser is taking his sweet time. Well, got everything done by 12. Couldnt go back to the office yet since I still need to wait for my boss to grace the fair. I simply hate walking around packed exhibitions areas (which explained why I seldom or never goes to fairs) unless it is a food fair, a fun fair, a perfume fair (where they will be stuffing parfume into your shirts (for goodness sake) or a film fair.... I think I must have thrown away a dozen of fliers and said - 'No, thank you' to another dozen.

But the wait for your boss, is always unpleasant - you cant go anywhere, you cant do anything interesting, only to be interrupted once the majesty arrive in his golden charriot. To cut the story short, he came, said some most corny stuff to the organiser and we left for klcc to eat. I had the famous ipoh noodle which I must say is pretty nice. Check it out.

ok, the highlight of this post, however is when we were reaching our office. Well, this guy in his honda civic suddenly cut into my boss' lane and this really upset him. What followed next (Kids, do not do this at home. This is a stunt done under professional guidance only), he honked all the way from the crossroad at 1-Utama till Ikea. The car which were in front of us now, tried to play smart and breaked his vehicle, maybe to show that he is furious too. When you think this gonna stop, oh no, he got even more upset and decided to throw his water bottle at the car. But he didnt as we need to make a turn. I think the guy in the honda civic is having his lucky day! But, I was like... oh my friggin good lord, this is even worse than my french driver......

Trying to get myself to sit upright again, I could only think.... What a chinabeng you are, boss!!!


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