Me talk pretty everyday

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I tell you so

How do you actually define if you are closed minded or open minded? A lot of us professed we are open minded but dont you think that in that open mindedness, you are actually closed minded because you actually put a boundary to your open mindedness. What am I mumbling about?

The same things applies to sensitivity of a person, etc, etc.....

In the middle of the conversation
Ami 1: Oh, you are so sensitive
Moi: Oh... am I now?
Ami: Yes you are....

After a while,

Ami: Are you angry with my comments?
Moi: Oh no... but I am dissapointed.....
Ami: Ok.... whatever.

Later during the chat, he keeps using, I am not the one who is sensitive, I am not the one who is angry...

I give up.. I totally give up on talking to plu sometimes... They just drive you up the wall.

Conclusion: There is no open minded people in this world. We live in a world of limitations including our mind.


Blogger Kihu said...

open mindedness is a subjective topic.. We can't measure or define it.. Well let just say everyone is open minded as well as close minded.. It depends on which category we say!

12:37 PM  
Blogger Just Me said...

I think we all have our limits to our open mindedness...

1:22 PM  
Blogger shine said...

chicken or egg first? lol
u gay men are so ambiguous lar

2:09 PM  
Blogger Shake Trees said...

open mind is just a word. one who is foolish has a closed mind. one who is wise has an open mind. one who has awakened has an enlightened mind.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Pike-chan said...

when ppl tell me to be open-minded, i just fell they are using this word to coerce people to somehow agree/or approve of their action.... if not, they said it's not "open minded" enough

10:22 PM  
Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

Defiant85, please dont tell me you dont judge in your life! *shake heads*

"Let those who do not sin cast the first stone!"

10:39 AM  
Blogger hcpen said...

I think we are all close minded in our own ways, straight or not...:)

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything's relative la. Anyone can be open or close minded. It's a matter of degree. More importantly, it's how honest you are to yourself about the things you can or cannot accept.

And yeah, not all plu's are like that, nor is it that only plu's are like that.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Legolas said...

Totally agree there are no open minded people in this world. Nobody is open minded enough to accept everything in this world.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Harvey said...

I don't think there's such thing as "open-minded" or "close-minded". We're always entitled to our own opinion when it comes to certain issues, but we should be willing to listen to others' ideas as well.

1:41 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I think open minded is up to the extend that we can bear. It varies individually and subject to one's personal boundaries.

2:02 AM  
Blogger Life Cafez said...

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9:54 PM  
Blogger Life Cafez said...

There's lots of kind of people in this world, different people have different thinking and different ways of accepting thing. Although if we are "open-minded" but we still can't called ourselves "open-minded" because to some extend, we are still "close-minded" too, aren't we are also confuss sometimes?

9:57 PM  
Blogger savante said...

Unfortunately it's not easy to talk online when we can't read each other's faces, expressions or other small nuances :) Makes for a lot of miscommunication.


5:45 PM  
Blogger Mabelle Me said...

it doesnt matter if you talk to PLU or PLme..haha..some ppl just can't take critisms and comments when its the straight in yr face ones. that's why we get enemies or friends who hate us..
anyway..i'm so in love right now...and i can't tell you how happy i am

1:20 PM  
Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

Well, I just had more arguement with this friend of mine and I shall not blog about it anymore as I do not want to be branded as shallow. LOL

Mabelle, congrates, err I know you are sooooooooo in love. I can see it in the letters that you typed. I cant wait for you to share with me the how long, how big, how good he is. :P lol Spare no details, please. I am excited ler.

4:51 PM  

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